Hallelujah! Will my dog be cured with TCAP ?

Hallelujah! Will my dog be cured with TCAP ?

Will my dog be cured with TCAP?

To learn about TCAP behavioural grooming, consult our news:
What exactly is TCAP behavioural grooming?

When a dog has regular encounters with a certified TCAP care provider in behavioural grooming (or soon to be certified) with whom he builds up a trust account, his behaviour will keep improving.  

TCAP is not only beneficial at grooming, but also result in concrete improvements in everyday lifesocial life, adaptability to new experiences, relation with human beings, expanded ability to concentrate and increased cognition

TCAP practices dog’s concentration and adaptability muscle. The more chances the animal gets to experience small, regular TCAP sessions, the more it will get a taste for learning new stimuli

chien muscle

TCAP stimulates the learning and discovery disposition, the taste for playing and the desire to have a conversation with the human being, with the world around him. The more chances a dog gets to experience TCAP the more he seeks it.

However, if only once, the dog experiences grooming where his psychological limits are not respected, or his stress micro-signals are not acknowledged, he will again lose trust in human beings and most of the achievements of TCAP will have to be rebuilt.

Dear friend, TCAP Is a short and long term investment. When you make good investments with the right person, your money grows. But if you put all your money into a risky investment with a stranger, you risk losing everything in one go.

Buddy plays Force Free Grooming:

soon to be translated

"TCAP is a safe investment in the health and well-being of your dog" 

"Invest early in your dog's life for his well-being and you will reap multiple dividends, throughout his life"

TCAP has been carefully woven with more than twenty (20) years experience in grooming and animal behaviour, several specialized studies and practical workshops (see our expertise here: Expertise), a spiritual journey in everyday life, reflections aimed at the expansion of consciousness, the universal laws governing the whole universe, a healthier lifestyle, a beautiful friendship with our friends, students, customers, dogs, cats, sheep, alpacas, chickens, ducks, horses, monkeys, crows, fishes, parrots, plants, trees, and especially with our human friends.

TCAP is the love child of true friendship and partnership on a daily basis; in short, everything has been created by the association of two people who share the same passion and who look in the same direction, wishing the well-being of every living being, and working with love.

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